Hi everyone, I posted on the Dog board about my new puppy Walter. Well I have two 3 year old cats Campino (an orange tabby) and Smurf (a grey tabby). They are very upset with me right now over the new puppy and have hidden downstairs.

One of them was even so kind as to leave a rather large "present" beside their litter box this morning

Campino is especially upset with me and wouldn't cuddle today. He was the first pet we adopted from the humane society 3 years ago. The we got a rabbit named Katie and he didn't mind that too much, btu then Smurf came this Sept. and Cam wasn't the happiest about that but now him and Smurf are the best of friends, and now there is a dog inthe house I think he feels as though his mommies attention is being taken away, although he gets even more now then he did before.

Smurf had gone into dep hiding and I managed to find him this morning hiding behind some boxes.

I just really hope that they can all get along and that my cats will come back upstairs and cuddle with me.

Just thought I would introduce myself and my cats