
I've grown and can reach the keyboard now! Well, almost, I'm not much taller but everyone says I'm longer! Mummy put me on her 'bl%%dy liars' and weighed me, and I've gained two pounds in two weeks! See, I'm bigger than Tabasco!

I went to a birthday party last weekend and met Moby, a big black Dachshund. It was love at first sight! I wanted to give him lots of puppy kisses but I couldn't reach his face! Mummy took some pictures with a film camera and has to wait for them to be printed. The film people are going to see double when those pictures are developed!

I am also big enough to wear clothes. I found a pair of mummy's underwear on the floor and I put them on my head and ran around the house! Mummy didn't take any pictures of that, I can tell you right now! But she was proud, and told daddy all about it ... "Shaaaaaaane, your pup is a cross dresser ..."

I tried to play with King Mini today, but he made funny shapes with his ears which means he doesn't like me yet. I have to keep eating so I am as big as him! I have eaten two of Buffy's collars, but Mummy said that doesn't count as food.

After I rounded up one cat, I went for two! I'm gonna be a sheep dog when I grow up!

Love from your favourite miniature Rottweiller