I'm not sure if my little Chloe will be with me much longer.

I just got home from being up north for three days, to find Chloe in a near death state. She is very cold to the touch-but she is pink, her heart rate is very slow, and she has yellow mucous in her mouth, which is drooling and dripping. However, she did have the energy to give herself a bath. Right now she is hunched, with her fur raised, drooling. I can't help her. I feel horrible, terrible, and nasty for saying that, but it is true. All the vets offices are closed. If I make an emergency call, omg, I don't even want to know the fee for having the vet come to the office after closing time-at least my legs, my ears, and my ears. I have to wait until tomorrow, but by then I think it will be too late. She might be gone, or she might be too ill to treat.

Oh this just bites-to watch you pet suffer and slowly leave, and not be able to do anything for it. That is the worst pain in the world.

Please pray that my little darling does not leave before her time. She is only 11 months old, she still has some time left I would think.

Just to show you how bad my little punkin pie looks: