Here are the two kittens that are at my horse's barn. The are both staying at the barn, and they will be fixed. The tabby and white is a girl, the one that is mostly tabby is a boy. I had to rescue the little boy from a grain bin today, someone had left the top of the bin loose (don't worry, the horses can't get in there, it's in the tack room) and he got in and couldn't get back out! They are very sweet kittens, I wanted to take them both but then the barn owner said she was keeping them. At least I will see them grow up.

Both together

The little boy, right after I rescued him from the grain bin

The little girl, looking at the lunge whip I was holding

They have a cat condo! What's in there?

The little girl peeking from the condo

The little boy cleaning his paws