What a night, we where woken up at 1am by a smell coming through the windows. It filled our house in seconds. We Closed all the windows and sprayed the house with so much air fresher that it made me sick.

Tuffy and Ginger had found a skunk!!!!! It was a smaller breed of skunk and from what we've been told and smelled, it has a stronger smell then the average skunk. It was nasty.

So at 1am my husband outside, in his underware with a towel over his noes looking for the skunk and dogs. (I should have taken a picture.) I'm getting dressed ready to go to the store and buy out all the tomato jucie they had to wash the dogs with.

Lucky dogs and lucky us, they didn't get hit by the skunk, I guess the skunk missed them. They did killed the skunk though and we buried it right away hoping that would help cut down on the smell. But no, I still have a front yard that smells and I can't open up any windows.

I'm hoping that in time the smell will just fade away, but in till then do you know of anything that will kill the smell from a yard?

BTW.....Tuffy dug the skunk back up again and was using it as a play toy. We buried it again, of course, but thanks to Tuffy we had to indure the smell all over again.

What,, dog toys are not good enough for him!!! He needs that for a play toy. What dog in their right mind would want to play with such a nasty smelling toy.

Never a dull moment with him around, got to love him.