I started to write this story, and i know alot of other people have been doing it too but i decided to share mine..

I have been dying to get a dog for more than a year now, mom has just decided the time is right for us to own a dog. We are on our way to the breeders house now. Supposedly there is a Rott/Pit mix there just waiting for a loving home.. The drive wasn't too long, but of course Im eager to see my new companion. "Mom! How much longer?" I said. "Soon enough. Sit back and read a book, do something, or I will turn this car around." I knew when I made mom angry when she says ‘I will turn this car around' it sounds so childish, maybe I was just mad at her for not going a little bit faster. She was only going 40. You would think she would be excited too! "Sorry..."I said..it took us about another good 15 minutes until at last we arrived.. 1782 SW Piccolo drive..The house was surrounded by cages upon cages. It looked awfully filthy for a good quality breeder or so it said in the newspaper. Mom looked back at me wondering if this was the right place. I shook my head and she turned around to look at the house. Was it a house? We didn't know. We just kept watching. Their had to be more that 100 cages in this little barn. "Mom where's the house?" "Im looking, im looking!". That wasn't a house, it couldn't have been. A barn and cages, a few trucks and more cages. Then their was a little shack on the side of the barn. I hopped out of the car and headed towards the shack.. Just as I approached, a man popped his head out, closed the door tightly and walked towards me.. "Yes, may I help you little girl?" I turned around thinking their may have been a ‘little' girl behind me. There wasn't. "Well, first I wouldn't consider myself a ‘little girl' and second yes you can. Im here to see the rottwiler/Pitbull mix..and I was wondering where he would..." he interrupted me. "Ah! You must be Jamie." he said.. "Yes I am" "Come this way then.." I stopped and look back at my mom still sitting in the car, and gestured her to come over here with me.. She opened the car door and walked towards me. "What was he saying?" she asked. "He just asked me if I was Jamie, and I told him yes, now im supposed to be following him.. Come on" I think I may have sounded a bit pushy because she gave me this look that said ‘its my choice to leave and its not your choice to stay'.. She followed anyway. "Right over here" he said. When I caught up to him I saw upon the numerous cages was a sign that said ‘John marsh breeding facility.' "John marsh..." I thought aloud, "Yes..?" "Oh.. No, the sign, I was just reading the sign" I said.He looked up nervously at my mom.. I knew that name.. I heard him in the news a few times.. But what for? Criminal acts? No, I don't think that could have been it. I kept thinking but was interrupted by a loud bark. It sounded like something was hurt, or worse. I looked up at the breeder, he stared into the open, in which was another barn far far out in the distance. I wondered why hadn't noticed it before, it was even worse looking than this one. He began to walk over to the barn, filled with more cages.. His walk soon turned to a run when more barks followed.I ran and tried to keep up, where my mom was still by the cage of the puppy we came to see.. He ran faster as the yelps increased, and I still kept up with him.When he finally got over their he kicked open the door and stopped dead in his tracks. So did i. If he didn't want to see it, I didn't want to either. He turned towards me and then turned back towards the barn.