Abby has to go visit the vet today for her shots and checkup. *sigh*

I am already feeling uptight about it, to say she doesn't like to get into the carrier and go in the car is a great understatement. If she gets any suspicion about this, she will climb up under my boxspring and I won't see her until tonight.

The appointment is at 3:00, so my plan is to watch a movie from 12:30-2:30, that way she will be all relaxed on my lap and I should be able to pick her up and smoothly place her in the cat carrier. She's fine once she's at the vets, but the trip is so hard on both of us. She starts wailing loudly as soon as she is placed in the carrier, and does not stop until she is taken out.

I made the appointment for Friday, that way Jeff can take me out for a couple relaxing drinks tonight.

Please wish us luck...