I brought my baby Chipper to the vets tonight as tomorrow morning he will have the big snip snip. When I had to hand him over to the girl who brings them in the back, Chipper wouldn't let go of me. It broke my heart cause he was so scared.
I know he will be okay, as I have been through this many times, past & present, but my little Chipper is just so very special to me.
I'm going to miss him tonight, sleeping with me.

Those of you who have had or have, multiple cats, was there or is there, that one special cat that just melts your heart. That's my baby Chipper. I have a bond with him like no other cat that I've had before, past or present.

I love and loved all my animals but my Chipper is just something else.

Do you understand what I mean by this?

Here's my Baby.