Olivia’s mom had to call my mom to come and get me. She came and pulled my reluctant self out of Olivia’s bed. I was still crying and I just let my mom take me home. I went home and went to my room and cried. God hated me, I knew he did. I pulled out the scissors and cut my leg. I cut it 3 times because I was so angry. There was blood everywhere, but I was happy. I had no use in this world.
I went to school the next day, due to my mother who threatened to send me away because I was uncooperative. Jeremy came up to me and put his arm around my shoulder. I was to depressed to shake it off.
“I heard what happened, Kersey. I’m so sorry. I know how close you were to her.” He said. I knew he was sad. He loved me like a sister and we practically knew what the other was thinking.
“It’s hard.” I said. I didn’t want to talk about it. Please Jeremy, anything but this.
He must have understood me. He was headed to English and I was heading to gym. We came to our departure point and he turned to face me.
“Kersey, I’m here for you, okay? She was as much my friend as she was yours.” He smiled at me. “I love you, Kersey.” He said, kissing my cheek. He went into his classroom and left me there, bewildered by what just happened.
I decided to pretend I had forgotten my gym clothes so I didn’t have to participate. A few people came up to me and told me how sorry they were, but they didn’t know. They probably thought, oh, how sad, I should feel bad for her, but I really didn’t care about anyone else.
Class ended and I slowly got up off the bleachers. I grabbed my bag and went to meet Jeremy outside the English room. I looked at him and smiled. For the first time since Olivia passed, I smiled.