Ok this might sound weird, but I have really been thinking about getting a bigger vehicle.

I have a Nissan Sentra GXE. It's a nice little car, fast, and gets great gas mileage. However, when Bailey and Guinness are in the back seat, they can both lay down, but they can't stretch out. Plus, there is the "leg room" issue when some of our taller friends ride in the back seat.

I would like something bigger, but not van size. Perhaps some sort of SUV, but then I have also had suggestions about getting a station wagon instead, which I am not thrilled with. I drove a 1982 Chevy Impala Station Wagon for a couple of years..yeah, you could fit 11 people in it, but it was dang ugly!

My basic want is to have something where the dogs can stretch out and be comfy, but also we could have friends or in the future hopefully, kids in there too as well as the dogs.

So, I would like to get some opinions on what dog owners on this board drive. Are you satisfied, do your dogs like it? Any suggestions as to what I should get?

Thanks for any advice/opinions you can give!