I took the little ones into work today so one of the vet's there can compare the severity of Emma's eyes to Phoebe's eyes. He wanted to see if he's at least be able to do Phoebe's eyes as they had thought her's weren't missing as much eyelid.

They were wrong. Turns out that they have about the same amount of eyelid missing. They said that they'd like to see how Emma deals with her surgery, and then attempt it on Phoebe.

What do you all think? The only positive in doing that, is it would save me $$. That's all I can see.

I would prefer to have the specialist do both kittens at the same time. That way, they'd have each other for the day while they recooperated and they wouldn't roughhouse when they got home as they'd both be feeling the same. Above all, the specialist would do it. That would mean we'd have to come up with double the money we thought, but I really do feel its the best way.

What do you all think? I know I need to look at it from a logical standpoint, but I'm too attached to these little girls to just make a $$ decision.

Anyway...here are some pictures we took of the little furbies this week and tonight.... Their eyes really glow with that flash!


