Well, tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!! Thanks to all the PT support and prayers, I will be bringing Thomas home tomorrow.

I just got back to the office after dropping by the shelter for a snuggle, and this time I remembered to take my camera....


Heeeeeeeeeres Thomas!!!!

This is basically as much tail as he's got - it's around 2 inches long!

In this pic the cat in the next cage was hissing and growling, and Thomas just looked at her and walked away! Surely a good sign if he wants to get into Madam Ally's good books!!

Now for the next question........what to call him??? The shelter called him Thomas because he is the same colour as Tom from "Tom and Jerry", But "Thomas" seems a bit "formal" for such a relaxed and friendly boy! I have a couple of other names in mind, and I'd like your opinion:

(These are all of Celtic/Gaelic origin, and I have listed the name, then the meaning)

Kenny = Handsome

Brody = Brother

Clyde = Warm

Connor = Much Wanted

Dermot = Free Man

Garvey = Peace

I like all of the above, and his personality so far seems to be very docile, relaxed and loving, so all these names suit him! He just wants to snuggle the whole time!

Thanks guys - and don't worry - I'll keep the camera handy this weekend.