I haven't been on PT for a while, but wanted to stop by and let you know Andrew, Drake, and I are leaving the US tonight @ 8 PM to go to Germany. We arrive in Frankfurt sometime during the day tomorrow.

Drake has all his paperwork so that he isn't quarantined upon arrival. He is also used to his crate (loves it as a matter of fact) and has a sedative that he will take before getting on the flight to make his trip easier. I am worried sick about him. His last flying experience was not too pleasant (delayed flight and he was in the crate for almost 23 hours). I am terrified they will put him on the wrong plane!!! He is out right now with his Daddy running on the trails.

Our bags are packed and goodbyes have been said. I am very anxious and excited to start new adventures in Europe. We received bad news a few weeks ago; Andrew will be going to Iraq about a month after we get to Germany. I got the job with the Department of Defense as a translator. I start work after Andrew leaves.

Please keep us in your thoughts. Wish us luck on our journey!