Something came up today when I went to the shelter to drop some food off. There was this woman that wanted to adopt out a Black & white cat. The rules at the shelter are that no cat with majority balck in them are adopted out in the month of Oct. This woman was not very happy about it...she really wanted this cat. She was told to come back in Nov. and they would hold the cat for her till then. She made some comment about going to one of the local pet stores to get a cat. The shelter told her that even pet stores in our area won't sell a Black in Oct. She left mad as He#l.

The woman working the shelter asked me "what do you think should I have let her take the cat. I do know her, some, from my church?" She says "It's not like we haven't bent the rules before for people we know." They have...I know that, they have bent them for me before. I had to tell her I belived she did the right thing and to not feel bad about it.

The whole thing bothered me...why did she have to have a Black cat....right then? Enough, that she was going to buy a different black cat from the pet store instead of waiting a few weeks till Nov. to get the cat she said she just had to have. Then again I could see some of the womans reason for being so upset. The woman at the shelter knew her, so maybe she took it as a personaly comment about her. Who knows, But just because the woman goes to the same church doesn't mean she not some sort of sicko. I just had a odd feeling about her.

I always knew that the shelter didn't adopted out Black cats in Oct. but I never knew that our pet stores did the same thing. I was glad to hear it. I just assume that most shelter are the same when it come to adopting blacks cats out in Oct. but, maybe I'm wrong. Do shelters / pet stores in your area adopt out Black cats in Oct.? Just curious.