i had the most upsetting evening ...

i was out walking my two doggies when we came upon a man with his dog. my dogs, of course, wanted to play and started pulling on the leashes...i held them back as best as i could (and even leaned on an explorer) but i had to let them go. before i did, i yelled out that i was going to let them go to the man to warn him. my doggies ran towards him barking and he immediately yanked his dog by the leash to pop him into his arms (his dog was smaller) and pulled out his gun and pointed it at my dogs!!! i went over to collect my dogs and i told him he was crazy...he said he didn't know what my dogs were going to do, if they were going to attack, etc. i totally agree with him that he felt he had to protect himself but to pull out a gun?!?!?!

so we went our separate directions and he said he was going to call on me. i was more pissed than upset at this point...i even called the cops to see if i had a valid complaint. 1.5 hours later, animal control comes knocking on the door. the lady gets my info and recommends that i get full control of my dogs and/or walk them separately. she also says i'll be receiving a summons soon.

then i called the cops again and file a complaint...this time the lady says she'll send an officer out to check it cause i told her the lady didn't give her business card when dispatcher asked me about it. at this point, i didn't know if the cop was coming over to my house, etc...then i get a phone call and it was the animal control lady...i felt she was very rude...she eventually tells me that the guy w/ the dog is a George Mason cop and i need to file a complaint with them.

all i can say is that THIS REALLY REALLY SUCKS!!!!!

i just wanna walk my dogs in peace....

thanks for listening.