Hello Pet Talk Folk...

I just wanted to say hello and we're all still around, just real busy.

School is back in session and that seems to take up so much time.

As for Casey, he is doing well. He has his good days and bad days....such as a toddler does. He is learning to calm down and be a good boy, and I think the kids being gone in school all day is helping. All in all, he is turning out to be a nice young man.

There was a time when we had a prowler at the fence and Casey almost turned him into ground meat.

We went for 6 days into the deep mountains where all the roads are dirt and there is no such thing as a sidewalk. I was afraid at first to let him off the leash, but when he saw the other dogs roaming around it was do or die time. He did excellent! He never left our acre property. If he did, it was to greet his other dog-buddies. Not one fight, not one scare. He had a blast and stuck close. He learned to swim in the river and lake. He will fetch a stick in the water for hours!

Well, I just wanted to pop in and say Howdy! Is the October Pet Talk gathering in Nor Cali still on? Unfortunately, my hubby isn't getting his orders to come home until about October 8th, so he will miss it.

Here is a pic of Casey taken yesterday. He is almost 40lbs!

Regards, Crystal