I noticed a peculiar smell of cat poo coming from the cat room. I figured it was time to remove the solid waste (I use Feline Pine) from the boxes (I do this twice a day, in the a.m. and p.m. everyday). As I was looking in the boxes, BAM!!! I stepped in a large cold pile of cat poo . Nothing like a little cold cat poo to wake you up.

This happened once before (not stepping in it but finding it outside the box). I thought maybe it got stuck to one of the long-haired girl's tushie's, so I picked it up and forgot about it.

They were pretty big, so I assumed it was Doogie who did it. But with 8 cats it's a little difficult to pinpoint exactly who the culprit was. I'm assuming it was an accident. Sometimes my cats sabotage each other while they're doing (or trying to get IN to) do their business, or they felt the box wasn't clean enough.

Not much more I can do except keep an eye on it and see if it happens again.

*sigh* Ah the wonders of multi-cat households.