crosspost, can anyone adopt this poor boy?
------------------ Warning....Abused
http://www.geocities.com/enjoypets/page48.html 2nd dog on the page
Dear Carolyn,
Would you please post our abused dog, Impound No. 4201M. This poor fellow was taken from his owner. I understand it was a relative who reported the abuse. The dog has open sores, mange, and had a large scar across his face. We couldn't even tell what breed he was because he was so terribly abused. He has no hair on his front paws and they are so swollen his front paws look like elephant legs. He is openly dripping blood. He was red-lined because they felt he was mean, but this dog has never felt any kindness in his life. He is now a big love.......and the shelter workers are hoping someone might adopt him once PAWS gets him patched up. He's on Baytril, had Advantage applied, medicated for tapeworm, and had a medicated bath yesterday. He also has a number of other medications that were just prescribed by the vet yesterday. His hair is starting to grow in and we believe he is a German Shepherd because he has a black saddle. He now comes forward when you offer him a bone. The PD has all the info to follow through on its end so they told us if we can find him a home that we could get him out at any time. If there is anyone who is willing to help, please ask them to contact me.Thanks so much.
Margaret [email protected]
PAWS/Upland Animal Shelter www.geocities.com/enjoypets
We really need to get him out of the shelter because the same doom will await him as all the other dogs. He's really taken to Arlene because she feeds him and walks him. He rubs his head against her and she's already told him "darlin, I just have a one bedroom apartment, and I already have 2 rescued cats and a bunch of birds."

You wouldn't believe how much better he is doing. Even though he has a long way to go......he is so friendly now. I think he knows that he isn't going to be hurt anymore.
We are doing the best we can to treat him, and will continue to, but then we really need someone to foster him. I hope someone will step forward to do this. He's not needed as evidence any longer for the case......so the police captain told us he could be rescued out at any time.

WARNING!!!!!!! THESE PICTURES ARE HORRIBLY GRAPHIC!!!!! http://www.amrt.net/uplandpow2.jpg

THIS ONE IS EVEN WORSE! http://www.amrt.net/uplandpow3.jpg

[ October 16, 2001: Message edited by: Sudilar ]