We're getting a new pup, and I was researching puppy training and house training, and came across this website, and watched some of the movies. Some of them are pretty good, but some things he said confused me. Before I go any further, if you want to check out the website, here it is. Banana TV

In the Boredom Busters section, it says if your dog digs, then get it a wading pool and fill it with sand and bury treats in it. Two questions:
1. Won't the sand get it the dog's eyes and hurt it?
2. The dog will obviously digest some of the sand by digging and eating the buried treat. Won't it not be good for the dog?

It also says if your dog gets bored give it a plastic bottle to play with.
But...what if the dog digests the plastic?

I only watched two of the videos, so there's probably more.