As most of you know, Peanut has her little "house" that she so adores.

And you also know that she likes to play with her mousie.

She will normally play with her mousie while I'm there, watching or getting dressed, or just in the general vicinity. Once I leave the room, the mouse is ignored as Peanut follows me out.

Well, last night I was unloading the dishwasher in the kitchen. Peanut was in the dining room, sitting on her "front porch" which is the flap of the box that is flat on the ground. The next thing you know, I hear this noise. Tubby was laying on the rug right next to me, and his ears perked up and he looked quite interested in what was going on in the other room - but didn't get up.

I peeked around the corner, and here's Peanut, attacking her mousie! She would pick it up in her mouth, and as she shook her head back and forth, she'd let go and the mouse would go flying. She'd chase after it and bat it around, then pick it up and flip it again, chase it again, bat at it again.....This went on for at least 10 minutes! I don't ever remember seeing her play on her own like this, with no one around, no audience, just Peanut playing with her mousie. We had been gone over the weekend, and the camera still wasn't back in it's normal spot, so I didn't get any pics, but she was so cute flipping and chasing.

After about 10 minutes she flipped one last time, but didn't chase. Instead she decided to take a break so it was back to her "front porch" where she kept an eye on the mousie in case it started getting out of hand again.

Tubby just remained on the rug next to me. Looking interested, but I guess not enough to get up and investigate closer - good thing because that would have broke up the little play scene.

Guess my sweetie isn't such an old lady after all.