My fish experience is based on years and years of goldfish ownership, as I have left home now my 2 goldfish have stayed with my Mum so I was fishless. For ages I have been on about getting a betta (or siamese fighting fish as we call them here) but they are not that easy to find, today I went to an aquatics centre who had one so I bought him.

I did ask some questions when I bought him based on my goldfish experience but the lady looked at me like I was mad so I hope you can help me out, she told me she keeps her betta in a large vase with a plant.

Kevin is red and his body is about an inch long

What is best to keep him in? Right now he is in a large vase (which has 6 pints of water in) they didn't have any small tanks in
the store. Tomorrow I am getting him a real tank! Should I get him a tank or a bowl? And what size?

How often should I feed him? I bought him 2 types of food, the one I was recommended and the one they had been feeding him (they were surprised I bought these because each tub was twice the price of Kevin). I was planning on feeding him each type once a day.

Does he need a live plant in there? If so what type? Or would a fake one be ok for him to hide in?

Water - should I treat the water in his tank? I use stress coat and stress zyme for the goldies. Also he was in a tropical tank in the store but the woman told me he would be ok in cold water as it is hot right now. Should I get him a heater to keep the water warm? Does he need an air pump and a filter? How often should I change the water? Should I put aquarium gravel at the bottom of the tank?

Finally Kevin is a lone fishy, could/should I get him a girlfriend (a female betta, if you can get such things!)? I don't want any reproduction but just want to do what is best for him.

I know I should have done this research BEFORE getting Kevin home but thought I would be ok with my goldie knowledge, it was the woman in the store who has confused me, telling me they are "hardy" and dismissing many things I asked about. I would have got him a tank today but I got him after work and when I got to the other store it was shut. Kevin seems ok and has eaten some food and is swimming about