Well, it was Bailey's first birthday yesterday. Money is a little tight, so the hubby didn't want me going out and buying her new toys.

I decided to improvise. I had an old pair of khaki pants. I needed some new shorts and Bailey needed a new toy so.....

Ta-Da!!!! A new tug toy!!!!

Bailey and Guinness have not put this down since yesterday morning when I made it.

It's so much better for tug of war than the rope bones from PetSmart, which she shreds. Here's another pic, Guinness almost getting yanked off the couch:

I look at it as recycling....yeah, I know, most people would look at it as "well, if you give the dog a sock to play with, they won't know not to play with your good socks...." sort of situation, but we keep all the pants folded up in drawers.

I think she had a good birthday. We took a nice long walk, played tug of war for a while, and they each got a Frosty Paws Dog Ice Cream. Then I called my mom and she sang Happy Birthday to Bailey, to which Bailey gave the phone/my mom a ton of kisses!