Not to long ago I took in a female cat, I was told she had been fixed by the Vet. WRONG!!!! I guess when they rescue this group of cats she sliped through somehow without getting fixed. If I had known that she would have been house bound, like it or not, till it was taking care of.

Well she had a kitten in the HEATING VENT of my living room, today. Don't know how she got in there. I got the kitten out.....thank God. I just can't belive there was only one Kitten, she was just to fat for one.

So my choice is either the other kittens didn't make it and somewhere in my vent there are dead kittens.
Or could she have had them in a different spot? Has anyone ever heard of a mommy cat doing that?

She in the house now going nuts and I don't know if thats because she wants out to get the other kittens or because she hates being inside. She never has liked being locked up inside.

I'm going to let her go out side just to see if maybe there is more kittens somewhere and hope she brings them back. Getting her back in the house is going to be fun though!!!

Has anyone heard of a cat having kittens in different spots? Or for that matter just having one Kitten with being so fat? I mean I was sure by the looks of her that she have 4 or 5 kittens.

I just pray there is not any dead Kittens in the vent.....How would I get them out? The one I got was just luck, he/she crawled to the opening. I've bent a fish net and have tried to feel around in the vent luck.