Where I live (Utah) there is relatively no fleas.....so, I've never had Nebo on any flea preventative.

But I'll be driving to Ohio in just a few days, so I was thinking about putting him on a flea preventative. Also my sister keeps claiming the chiggers are horrible over there (I'm not even sure what they are?) so I don't know what to do about that..

I should have thought of this earlier, we're leaving on Wednesday. I'm not sure if I'll have time to get to a vet or not. I'm totally clueless on flea preventatives.......any advice? What is the best to get? Is it very often that a dog will have a reaction to it?

I don't think the West Nile virus is really here either...honestly I don't know anything about that. I have him on heartguard, but that doesn't stop mosquitos from biting. Is there some sort of insect repellant that can be used on dogs?