It's been a while since I last posted, but I wanted to share with everyone my new cat!
I already have 2 myself, Clyde and Scooter. I live with my sister, and she has 4 cats and a dog. And I didn't have any plans of getting another cat...
Anyways, I saw a poster in my neighbourhood that was asking if anyone wanted a cat. Apparantly the owners had decided that pet ownership wasn't for them, and they didn't want their cat anymore. Well, I fell in love with the picture of this cat, and decided that since I have 2 already, and they are both boys I needed to get a female cat.
Her name is Freya, and she is around 6 months or so. She is a really pretty stripey brown, and has gorgeous green eyes. I get the feeling that she was pretty ignored in her old home, because the slightest bit of attention gets her purring like I've never heard before. The other cats are a bit put off, but I'm sure that they will adjust. I can't believe I live with 7 cats, but I wouldn't change it for anything.
I'll try and post pictures soon, once I get some film for my camera!