A fellow rescuer, whom is also a friend of mine, recently moved into a new home.

She has several cats right now, all whom are suppose to be in good health and get regular check ups.
2 of them suddenly died the other day. She and the vet are not sure of what yet. The signs looked kind of like rat posioning, but their clotting wasn't as bad as it should have been.

They had 2 seizures before they finally just flopped over and died. Just an hour before this they were playing and eating just fine! And had no other signs of illness before this.

She has the rest of her cats in one room right now, trying to figure out what to do, as she doesn't want the others to fall ill or die. The vet is running a pathology/necroscopy on the two deceased cats. But so far has no real clues as to what might have happened. We are perhaps thinking Acute Anemia.

I'm trying the best I can with suggestions for her, but otherwise I am pretty much clueless right now.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Anyone had something similar happen?