Well today Jack learned his leson about over bulling Oscar.

Begining of story:

Oscar & Jack share the same tank (40G). Oscar is a Tiger Oscar (HUGE) & Jack is a Jack Dempsey (TINY). Well Jack has become a food bully, he doesn't like to share with Oscar & Oscar just lets Jack walk all over him. Oscar is just to friendly, UNTIL TONIGHT!!

Oscar finally grew some &@!!$ & layed the beats to Jack, by opening his mouth as wide as he could (Jack could be swallowed whole) buffed out his gills & charged Jack until Jack was scared poopless... Oscar being Oscar didn't touch Jack, but gave a good fishy beating... If Oscar really wanted to he could catch Jack & eat him, but as I tell everyone who comes to see him, hes a gentle giant.

I just wish I had my webcam on so I could have recorded it, it was so funny. I've never seen Oscar do that to a fish before (only me when we were play fighting)...

Its funny seeing a bully being out bullied... Hopefully Jack will stop being a food bully.

But as a precaution for Oscar I'm getting a pro. filter for my pond so I can put Jack back in it. Or I might get the filter anyway, but get/make a divider in the tank so they can still see eachother but Jack can't bully Oscar.

Heres a pic of Oscar & Jack
%*(&%@%*(^$@%*(^$@#%& GRRRRRR... scratch that pic for now, I forgot Rob hasn't updated my website which means I have no resent pics of anything in a couple months... I have no idea where he got such an old copy but if I survive my illness tonight I'll try to get him to update it or give me access to his Hard Drive so I can update it...