Originally posted by marysmerrycats
.......ever make any prank phone calls?( I KNOW there has to be some stories out there?..)
just curious..
LOL LOL Good stories everyone!

I swear, prank phone calls were a majorly fun thing for my sister and I I guess it was for the adrenaline rush! LOL Couldn't get away with it anymore these days, with caller ID and all.
A lot of times, we would just randomly dial a number and give some sort of dumb survey, like what do you like better, Coke or Pepsi?
Or, we would make up some really wierd prize and call people to tell they they won!
Another thing we would do is dial a number and sing a song. I remember one time an older (sounding) lady answered the phone and we sang "you are my sunshine..." and she kept saying "Thank you! Well...Thank you!" hehehehe

We did get a couple of people tell us that they would call the police, and of course we would be freaked out and afraid that the police were going to come and get us in the middle of the night for calling somebody and telling them they just won a lifetime supply of pantyhose! LOL LOL