Dearest Oreo, what a gorgeous, adorable kitty you are indeed! That thick, fluffy Calico fur is absolutely stunning, so colorful and in such a beautiful design. You have such a sweet face, with those lovely big pale-green eyes and that cute pink nose with the little black spot. Thank you for sharing those great photos with us! Your sweetness and beauty come through so well in them all. In that one of you lying on your side, are you looking for a chest and tummy skritch? I would love to be able to reach through the screen and up over to Nova Scotia to skritch that chest and tummy, and pet you! I can't, of course, but I know your loving and beloved Purrrsons will skritch and pet you as desired for me!

And what a delightful Purrrsonality you have! You like to hang out in cubbyholes and sunny windows. One time you disappeared for six months and came back to your dear Purrrsons very skinny. I want to express my deepest gratitude and joy that you did return after all that time and you're now safely back home! You soon regained weight, and you are now pleasantly plump. You like to play with people's feet, so much so that your Purrrsons have to warn visitors so you don't get stepped on! You know a very good trick that many cats know very well: how to convince someone to give you more food, even after you just ate! This works particularly well with visitors. You are a loyal family member and consider yourself your Purrrson's guard cat! You love to be petted, especially on your chest and belly. You and your Purrrson love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Oreo, on being chosen Cat of the Day! We hope you and your dear Purrrsons and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats and special chest and belly pets!