Greetings, Ivori in Moscow, Russia! Happy Dog of the Day, sweetheart! Sorry to have missed your big day, but couldn't help passing along my congratulations to you and your human!

What a gorgeous "smiling Sammy" girl you are, Ivori, and so perfectly named! Your fluffy, ivory colored coat is magnificent, and your warm and soulful brown eyes, heart-melting! And by all accounts, you're every bit as beautiful in personality as you are in looks!

Your human waited a long time for her dream of being a doggy parent to come true, that happy homecoming, but how well worth the wait it was! You not only met but exceeded her every expectation, bringing so much comfort and joy, love and laughter to her life, through good days and tough days!

Since that day, Ivori has been my best friend, she always supports me. Staying next to her can lift me up and make me cheerful, even on bad and hard days. She is always ready to play. I'm amazed with her being such optimistic and joyful doggy.
How lucky your human is, having a best friend and furry soulmate as beautiful, as joyful and loving, as special as you, Ivori! Pure perfection on 4 paws that you are, simply the best!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, sweetheart! Meeting you today, learning of the very special place you hold in your human's heart and she/he in yours, being treated to your heart-melting photos has made my morning! I hope you enjoyed a very special Dog of the Day celebration, Ivori...playing and spending fun time with your human, feasting on your fave foods and treats, being spoiled to the max and loved to bits! Lots of love, big hugs and slobbery smooches to you, beautiful Ivori, our very special and most deserving Dog of the Day, EVERY day!!!

That smile!!!