My NJ rommate lost Holly, the fourth tortie kitten from Sophie the feral momma cat, yesterday. She had dropped some weight and wasn't feeling well-- turned out there was a mass growing in her abdomen, and fluid was building up in her abdomen- plus there seemed to be some biliary obstruction as well, and she was anemic- she was 14 or so, so Pat (former roommate) couldn't see putting her through invasive diagnostics and procedures that probably wouldn't have helped- they gave her some fluids and oxygen to make her more comfortable for a while to say goodbye, then let her go.

We lost her sister Marcy 2 years ago, similar circumstances- a mass (probable lymphoma) over her heart- we still have sisters Tiggi and Chloe here-

Holly was never caught as a kitten, Sophie raised her to adulthood outside- then when Holly had four kittens of her own, she knew what to do- she brought herself and all 4 kits to my roommate, who took all 5 in and gave them a wonderful home-
Like our sisters, Holly became a totally sweet, affectionate, happy housecat, with laps to sit on and pets to get and lots of good food- she was a sweetheart- we're all going to miss her--

Please send purrs from RB, Holly-- run free and healthy there til we meet again-
