Prayers please for our beloved Lulu, our warrior princess. She is a Pointer/Blue heeler (Australian Cattledog) mix, and a year and a half old. Yesterday she was napping under a visitor's car, and got run over when the visitor left abruptly. She then was scared and ran - so Kermit sent most of the day scouring the woods nearby looking for her, calling her, with no success. After dark last night a neighbor drove her home, she was on his porch when he got home from work, and when he opened his door, she went in his house and jumped up on the couch.

When she got home she went up and slept on my bed, until Kermit got back and carried her to his bed and examined her. No broken bones, but she was obviously in pain, and would not eat, He took her to the vet this morning, and she has a massive hernia, and her organs are pushed up int her chest. She needs surgery, but we have to take her to a different vet for that - they don't have the capability there. But it's going to be at least $2000, and there's a chance she might not survive.

Prayers please! This is so scary. She is our self-appointed defender of the farm, and chases off foxes nearly every night, especially this time of year. She is sweet, cuddly and just the best dog ever.