Hi Summer! (LOVE your name!) Happy Dog of the Day to you, sweetheart!

Aww! What a beautiful All American pup you are, Summer! Seeing your beautiful self up on my Dog of the Day screen, poring over your heart-melting photos and reading your heartwarming rescue story has made my morning!

I'm so sorry to hear of your scary encounter with that car, Summer! Thank goodness you were not seriously injured, scooped up before any more harm could come to you!

We are so very thankful thankful to your human for coming to your rescue, providing you the vet care required to heal you, opening up her home and heart to such a deserving girl! And, as the saying goes, the rest is happy history!

What a wonderful, unexpected addition to her life your Mom was blessed with that fateful day! And wow, didn't you truly did hit the furever home jackpot, Summer, truly living the good life, complete with trips to the beach, your very own spot on the big bed and best of all, all the love your heart can hold! And just let me say, be it those stylin' doggles or that "cone of shame" you wear them both equally well! What a cutie!

Your Mom is one lucky lady, having furkid as beautiful (inside and out!), as special as you Summer! You truly are a treasure, and so very deserving of your big day of honor!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, Summer! I hope you enjoy a very special day of celebration...being loved and pampered to pieces, treated to all your heart desires, spoiled EXTRA rotten! Lots of love, hugs and smooches to, beautiful, sweet Summer, our very special and most deserving Dog of the Day, EVERY day!!!

Enjoying time on the big bed, hehe
