This is Pomme, our wonderful but very independent cat. Her name means Apple in English, but as she is a Quebecois lady, it is Pomme - French. We've had her for over a year and a half now, ever since she was born. Pomme is sassy, but classy. She loves to be in photographs, loves to be adored and looked at, but hates to be petted. She won't sit on your lap, but she'll lick your hand if she likes you.

Pomme will greet you at the door, and once you've had your eye-fill, she'll trot back to her favourite place: the window sill. She'll perform some wild antics around the apartment, and will sometimes strike some unlikely poses, but all in all, she's "the looker" and will always be.
Bonjour, beautiful Pomme in Quebec! Happy Cat of the Day!

What a lovely lady you are! I like your sweet face, your golden eyes, and your white and tabby fur! You are gorgeous! I would be honored if you would greet me at the door so I can get my eye-fill of you! I am very happy to look at and adore your picture today!

You are sassy, but classy! You are not a fan of being petted, but you are okay with being looked at and adored! After a period of admiration, you return to your window sill, which is your preferred place. You are a "looker" and always will be! PURRRR-fect!

Happy, happy Cat of the Day to gorgeous Pomme!