Tomorrow at 11:00 AM, our backyard kitty will be put to sleep. She has been deaf for a long time, her teeth are bad, and now she can’t walk up the few steps to the woman who looks after her. She has also lost weight, and is only half the size she used to be. So it has been decided to let her go before she suffers more.

I saw Misser in 2006 for the first time, she was on the scaffold just outside my window - she was pregant. I had no idea until a few days later, and I wondered how she got up on that scaffold. I have no idea how old she was, but my guess was 2-3 years old.

She had her tabby kittens, three of them, and later she had five tuxedo kittens. I posted about them, so there are pictures. The pictures are here:

A neighbor and I helped the shelter trap the kittens, but Misser was really difficult to get close to. It took years before she was TNR’d. A resident in our building had lost her own cat previously, so she agreed to look after Misser. She slowly started coming in to her flat, but she was outside most of time. I know Misser enjoyed her yard very much and she had a good life. The Dutch woman who is keeping the yard and planting flowers, loves cats, too. She is the one who will take Misser to the vet tomorrow. She says “I will miss my little “collegue” very much. So will I. It’s only three days ago I went down with some slices of duck and she gobbled it up.

Please send Misser some kind thoughts for an easy journey to the RB. She will be missed.