Hi! My name is Wendell and I am a 25-pound Maine Coon cat. I live in Connecticut with my family and one cat brother, Brody, who thinks I am his mother and two annoying cat sisters, Cleo and Samantha who torture me incessantly! I love my Mom and two human sisters but I live for the moment my Dad comes home! I follow him around crying at him with my little baby cry until he stops and picks me up. That makes me happy. Since I am a Maine Coon cat I don't do laps but I am always sitting next to my people either on the sofa or the floor. I have to direct their activities, don't I?

My main occupations are sleeping and eating. I am the keeper of the food dishes. My dad always makes sure that he puts down four different cans of cat food. I then come running to sample the smorgasbord and plant myself in front of the dish that appeals the most to me. Since I am a big softie, I always let my brother or sisters eat out of the same dish with me if that is the flavor they want. I love to chase my sister Samantha who is a big sissy! After all these years she hasn't realized that all I want to do is play with her! My mom brought a new kitten into the house a few years ago after her tuxedo cat, Ben, died. I wasn't too sure about him at first, but the girls weren't taking care of him, so I stepped in as 'Mr. Mom!' The picture of me here is of the first night Brody came to live with us. I was sleeping and Brody just snuggled up to me! I opened one eye, and then rolled over so he could sleep up next to me.

Wendell is a big clown. He is the most good-natured cat we have ever had. People who don't like cats love him since he is so dog-like, but that is a characteristic of Maine coons. We love our Wendell!
Hello, Wendell in Connecticut! Happy Cat of the Day!

What a gorgeous Maine Coon cat you are! I like your sweet face and your soft, fluffy fur! You look very nice in your grey and white morning suit!

You are a daddy's guy- when he is home, you follow him around and give your baby cry until he stops and picks you up, which makes you happy! You sit next to your people either on the sofa or on the floor. This allows you to direct their activities!

You are in charge at meal time! There are four kitties in your family, and your dad gives all of you a selection of different foods. You choose the one you want, and share with your brother or sisters if they would like the same one. You are a wonderful "Mr. Mom" to Brody! I'm sure you get along well with your sisters too! You are a sweet and good-natured softie!

Happy Cat of the Day to Wendell! Love to Brody, Cleo and Samantha too!