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Thread: Oliver is now at the RB

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    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Washington, DC USA

    Oliver is now at the RB

    I know that it has been awhile since I have been on this board, but I needed to let someone know Oliver died in my arms on Tuesday night. I got Oliver as an adult cat in 2006. He was a white cat with two different colour eyes and as deaf as a door nail, but smarter than any other cat I have ever known. During his life he made a lot of feline and humans friends because he was so striking and smart. I once had a UPS guy ask to adopt him because he was deaf and the man's wife was also deaf, so he thought she would love Oliver. But I couldn't ever give him up. He also had many medical issues during his lifetime. He was the only cat I had that was on Prozac for most of his life, but it was a wonder drug for him. The behavioral vet we saw was amazed at Oliver because he would learn hand signals to do things (since he couldn't hear a command).

    He was diagnosed with a sacrcoma (cancer) in the fall of 2012. All the vets said that even with treatment the most I would extend his life was up to a year. Well it was over 5 years...I remember when he was getting his radiation treatment I would have to take him into the vet's office very day for 18 days. So in the middle of winter we would bundle up and go to the vet's office. Of course I couldn't feed him before the radiation (so we had a VERY EARLY morning appointment), but I would always bring a can of cat food for him to eat as soon as he woke up. I told them to be careful with Oliver because he knew how to open cages. Well they didn't believe me and the first morning they put him in a cage and left the room. They came back in about 20 minutes later and he was sitting in the middle of the room on the floor. The next day he tried the same thing but this time they have a video of him trying to get the cage open. After that they put bungee cords on the door so he couldn't open the cage.

    I just tried to add a photo of Oliver but for some reason it is not working, but he was a beautiful white cat with one blue and one yellow eye. My partner always called him "the professor" because he looked like he was doing higher math.

    He was deeply loved and I miss him very very much right now. I keep looking over to the chair expecting to see him there but I know he is at the RB and not sick anymore. But it still doesn't make it any easier for me...
    Last edited by emily_the_spoiled; 11-01-2018 at 02:26 PM. Reason: tried to add photo


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