Carolina was found with her brothers and sisters in an abandoned parking lot. After being turned in to the Humane Society, I rescued her when she was a few months old. She is one super, lazy, fat cat...she weighs 18 pounds!! This is probably because she sleeps all day long in the laundry basket. She is very demanding, and will meow constantly until she has been given her daily treat. She also refuses to drink water from her bowl and will only use the dog's dish.

Some of her hobbies include laying upside down, chasing ice around the kitchen floor, licking my hair, making very odd noises at birds, chase imaginary friends in her litter box, and eating the legs off of grasshoppers. She gets very jealous when I travel with my dog, Cocky, so she tries to pack herself in my luggage. Even if Carolina has some odd idiosyncrasies, she always knows how to brighten my day and show her tender heart, when she crawls in bed with me for a good night sleep!
Hello, Carolina, lovely kitty! Happy Cat of the Day!

What a gorgeous cat you are! I like your velvety black fur and your sweet, round face! I would be very glad to pet you or provide snuggles; since I can't, though, I hope your person will give you some for me!

You are a very busy girl- chasing ice on the floor, making sounds to the birds, and drinking water from the dog's bowl! You meow with determination when it is treat time and take a nap in the laundry basket! I bet it's especially nice when it contains warm laundry from the dryer. You are not happy when your person and dog-buddy travel. You show your sweet heart by snuggling with your person in the big bed! PURR-fect!

Happy, happy Cat of the Day to beautiful Carolina!