Dearest Magno, you are absolutely stunning! What a gorgeous guy you are, with that soft-looking fur that is mostly white but has a few grey markings here and there. You have the sweetest face, with the big pink ears and cute pink nose and those lovely bi-colored eyes, one blue and one gold. You are really pretty in both of those great photographs, and thank you for sharing them with us. I wish I could reach through the screen and across the ocean to Cairo to pet you! I can't, of course, but I know your loving and beloved family members will pet you for me .

And what a delightful personality you have! You are full of energy and make your dear people smile with all your antics. You're very hyperactive and love to play. You enjoy hiding and waiting for them to pass by, then jumping in front of them to surprise them. Are you perhaps testing their reaction times? You adore black olives, and you're the first cat I've heard of who likes them! When you get one, you put it between your paws and play with it. Then, when you've had enough of that, you eat the olive and go to sleep on your back. You and your dear family members all love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Magno, on being chosen today's Cat of the Day! We hope you and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats, maybe even some special black olives!