Last night, Willa didn't seem to feel well, and by morning, she had vomited all of her food. She ate breakfast, and seemed brighter. I left to go to the humane society, when my boyfriend called me and said that she had started urinating all over the house. I rushed home to find her non-stop vomiting and urinating blood.
I knew that her kidneys had caught up with her, and I took her to the emergency clinic for euthanasia.
I didn't want to hospitalize her on IV fluids, a mere temporary fix.
It was unbelievably difficult, but in my heart I knew I had to relief her suffering. She would have been 21 on May 1.

Dearest Willa, today you looked at me and said: Mom, I love you so much, but I am so tired. I want to eat, but I can’t. Please let me go.
I knew then that it was time, and with such an incredibly heavy heart, I set you free. It was the right thing to do, but still, the guilt and sadness are overwhelming.
Willa, even though you never liked the other kitties, and never stopped being feisty, I’m certain you will have an abundance of new friends in the eternal sunshine at the Rainbow Bridge.
Forever yours, your mom.

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