Dear Blaze, what a breathtakingly handsome boy you are. You are so soft looking, and your face is so regal and sweet at the same time. And wow, look at those giant feetsies.
You are definitely a larger-than-life kitty in everything you do. You love to be outside and hunt. Are you bringing gifts to your family? Naturally, you are very territorial, and you let the other kitties know. You are more tolerant with the dogs, but they get swatted, too, when you have enough.
Once it is dinnertime, you make it known that you are ready for food. You do have a gentle and loving side, especially with your human. You headbutt them to show your affection.
Blaze (what an appropriate name), you are indeed like a majestic mountain lion, and I wish you, your kitty and doggie siblings and your parents a great day full of celebration, and many more happy and healthy years together.