Beautiful Amazon Angel Jackie~

My eyes filled with tears, reading your human's heartfelt, love filled tribute to her best boy, learning of your amazing transformation from angry and fearful foe to the most loyal and loving, most trusting of feathered friends; how profoundly, over the course of mere months, you impacted her life. As your mom says, such is the power of patience and persistence, faith and unconditional love.

He left us just as quickly as he came, but even in death, he taught me lessons all along the way. He taught me about parrot love, to never give up, to have faith in everything including myself, and to always give that "diamond in the rough" a chance. That's what made him special. He opened my eyes to a lot of things about life, not just how to take care of a parrot.
We are so very grateful to your family for rescuing you from such dire circumstances, giving your true inner spirit the freedom to soar, to sparkle and shine. And I think your first mom/dad, healthy and whole once more, was looking over you all from the Rainbow Bridge those final several months of your life, comforted knowing you were given a 2nd chance at peace and happiness, that you left this earth with your heart filled with love. I'm sorry you were taken from your parronts after so brief a time together, Jackie. But until that happy day of reunion, your legacy of love lives on, your claw prints indelibily etched in your humans' hearts. How blessed they were to have had you, their teacher, their beautiful best feathered friend, their "icing on life's cake," for even a day.

To the parronts of Jackie...Thank you for sharing your beautiful boy Jackie, his life affirming, inspirational back story with us, giving us the opportunity to pay tribute to one amazing Amazon boy and his family.

Soar high, beautiful Jackie. You've earned you angel wings~