Yesterday, we had a bit of setback in terms of Monroe's meds.
He developed diarrhea (a side effect of one of the heartmeds), so I asked his vet if I could give him an anti-diarrheal, and she said yes.
I did, and Monroe was eating it in a pillpocket, but then he bit down on it, and he started foaming and gagging, and eventually vomiting. Everything came up, including food from several hours ago.
I knew at this point that he would never ever eat any pillpockets again.
Later, I tried one of the meds (a microscopically small piece) in some food, no luck.
Monroe can detect the trace of a hint of a speck of dust in the stinkiest food.
He will join the DEA as a drug-sniffing cat to pay for his medical bills.
I know he needs his meds, no matter what, so today I cheated: I gave him one of Willa's appetite stimulants (ok per his vet), and now he's driving me crazy wanting to eat constantly and being noisy and restless.
But, hallelujah, it worked. I hope this one dose will be enough to keep him going.