Good morning, Zip! Happy Dog of the Day to you sweetheart, from everyone here in this Labbie loving home on Cape Cod! Meeting you this morning, Zip, seeing all of your heart-melting photos, has made my day!

What a gorgeous Labbie girl you are, Zip, beautiful inside and out, just as sweet and loving, as big hearted as they come! You, Zip, are everything we cherish in the beloved Lab, most especially, you're loyal and loving to a fault, wanting nothing more than to love and be loved in return!

I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your daddy, your best friend, Zip, so sorry for you and your entire family. But thankfully your extended family eagerly welcomed you into their fur filled pack, and the rest is happy history! I have no doubt your daddy in heaven is looking down on you and your family this morning, so proud to see you being honored here today, so comforted knowing his beloved Zip is in the loving care of family, until that happy day when you and he are reunited! How lucky your family is, Zip, having a best friend, a loving companion in you. You're a treasure, beautiful body and soul, and so very deserving of your well earned day of honor!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, sweetheart! I hope you enjoy a super special, fun filled Dog of the Day, playing and cuddling with fur bro Charley (Monte will come around), being loved and pampered to pieces by your devoted humans, being treated to all your heart desires and more! Lots of love, hugs and smooches to you, precious Zip, our very special and MOST deserving Dog of the Day, EVERY day! Love to dear Charley the Lab and kitty Monte, too!
