Quote Originally Posted by pomtzu View Post
No - no fun at all. And if it wasn't for the Wolfman/TwinkleToes/PinkBelly, I don't know where I'd be. Many a day, he has been the only reason I get out of bed, and I wouldn't if I didn't have him to take care of. I have to get up, take him out to potty, and then get him his breakfast. Of course, many has been the time that I'm just so exhausted, that I go back to bed after taking care of this. He's such a little gem, that he comes right back to bed with me, and doesn't mind in the least. He knows Mom isn't feeling too great, and he is determined to try to make me feel better. A dog's 6th sense absolutely amazes me.

My doctor called this a.m. - she wants me in her office tomorrow at 10 to "discuss" the results of the MRI's. Feeling somewhat apprehensive, but the issues won't just go away if I don't think about them...................
Yes, there is nothing like a cold wet nose and a "But mooooooom, I gotta gooooooooo ..." to get one out of bed in the morning, is there? At least she will discuss results with you - that's more than we get sometimes with Paul!