How fortune it is that your new humans rescued you from the shelter that day! We know that Labradors are active, energetic dogs, and it is no wonder you were "overweight and over-wrought" being in a shelter setting for so long! We are glad you people immediately knew what you really needed - love, exercise and the right care! You are now such a good-looking senior - that white face gives away your age, but nothing else does! We are glad your people not only helped you back to good health, but inspired by you, now have a business to help other doggies and they people, too! And it is nice you now have a sister, and you can help Maggie as she learns all the joy that can come when one is a loved dog in a good home! You have hit the Jack-pot, cutie! Enjoy your big day, and your wonderful future, and maybe you will have some special toys or treats to celebrate!