Hello. I just wanted to get advice on what I should do about my college career. I did not want to ask parents/friends because I know they would just tell me to work harder, not to give up, etc. but it's not that I do not work hard enough or that I'm quitting, I am just finding myself extremely confused and frustrated with college.

All of my life I wanted to work with animals. There was no question about it. I wanted to work as a marine biologist/conservationist, travel the world in this field, and discover new things. I've always been a perfectionist when it came to school; I graudated high school in the top 10% of my class with a 3.9 GPA. However, with college, I cannot seem to excel. I have a 2.8 GPA which is killing me. I cannot seem to do well in the core classes that a biology major requires. I received C's in both my general biology courses, I am retaking chemistry and precalculus for the second time and I still do not understand what I am doing. I go to my professors office hours and ask for help and I recieve tutoring but I just cannot seem to pass. It is really bringing me down because I know with these grades there is no chance I will get accepted in graduate school.

Over the summer I went to honduras with a marine research team and I absolutely loved it. I looked forward to getting up everyday at 5am to see what the day would bring. I loved diving and collecting data to discover new ideas. This makes me feel even worse that I loved this type of work but my intelligence is just not up to standards to recieve further education needed to the field.

So my question is do you think I should change my major? I find psychology pretty interesting; I took an introductory course as an elective and I fully enjoyed it and received an A. It's just frustrating that I cannot enjoy the work and pass the classes for a job that I know for a fact that I enjoy.

Ps. I'm a junior and have three more semesters for school left. I know if I change my major I would not be graduating on time.

I just need some guidance and advice on how to handle this situation :/