For many of us, our dogs are our constant companion. They serve as our antidote to our stress, anxiety and other burdens in our everyday lives. That is why we took care of them like they are an integral part of us and our family. We try everything to make them healthy like us so that they can be with us longer and enjoy each other’s company. We took time choosing the best for them like our own children. Taking them to the vet to check and maintain their being. Comfort them by making them feel secured in our homes. Feed them healthy and nutritious food to make them lean and fit so that they could move free and active as they are. And most importantly loving them for they certainly have been loyal and affectionate to us. As part of the process of our interaction with them and aside from feeding them their regular meals, we give our dogs rewards and treats for their loyalty and specifically making and bringing joy to us. Dog treats can either come in the form of a toy or a food treat meant for them. There are basically a lot of dog toys they enjoy and one can grab one from anywhere. From a stick in the yard to a 'Kong' doll from a pet store. But a great healthy alternative to treat your dogs are the so-called 'dog treats.' Unfortunately, only a handful of those commercial dog treats are worthy on their nutritional value needed by your dogs.

Do you give dog treats?