Quote Originally Posted by Jessika View Post
Clindamycin is a poor choice for treating UTIs. Please consider taking her to the vet to get proper medication for it. It is true that they very commonly are inflammatory vs infectious... in which case antibiotics won't do much good as she would need to be put on a proper antiinflammatory medication to treat it and a proper antibiotic (if needed).

There are diets out there to prevent crystal and stone formation, but you would need to get it from your vet as it is a prescription diet. The main thing you want to look for is one that has a proper pH to avoid the formation of those specific crystals/stones. And different crystals/stones form in different pHs, so you'd need to know which kind you were dealing with to know what diets you'd need to look at.

Forgot to add... one thing that can help prevent (but isn't 100%) is offering wet food to help increase her water intake in attempt to dilute urine and make her urinate more often so urine isn't sitting in her bladder for as long to hopefully help prevent crystals/stones from forming.
She drinks plenty of water, so that isn't a problem. Her dry food is Professional Hairball formula. I also feed wet food, either canned salmon or mackerel. I am hoping that didn't cause it. I am thinking that she got stressed, and that caused the problems. yet she was distressed earlier in the year. I thought it was emotional, so this could be a reoccurrence of a problem. She's been on this diet for a while. I've tried canned cat food, and she throws most of it up.

I've read that salmon might be beneficial for those with kidney problems and I have been feeding it until lately. It is expensive. hmmmm.

I have some sulfa drug too, and I gave her a small part just a few minutes ago. I put it in some tuna for her. She is still energetic and able to evade me, so that is a good sign, but the clindamycin is not working. She is still peeing some blood. I think it may have worked, but I didn't give enough. I also fed chicken tonight.

Since she is still avoiding me and with energy I am wondering if this is just stones or crystals.

I may take her to the county vet on Saturday. I get paid Monday and will have some money to spend on her.

Anti-inflammatory sounds good. I will tell you that I won't feed any diet from a vet's office. That food has corn in it, and cats do not need corn.

I'll keep y'all updated on her condition.

Thanks for responding.