Quote Originally Posted by Cataholic View Post
I thoroughly embrace all the advancements made by mankind: drugs to make me feel better, TV with cable, the internet, smart phones, cars, lots of hot water, and A/C, among the many. I have a few people in my life that make do with limiting A/C, always assuring me that it isn't that hot, it is comfortable, etc. Not sure who they think they are fooling, as it sure ain't me. And, I am always cold...so, not like I seek out the 65 degree house. As far as I know, no one receives any award for suffering. I like to be comfortable. Hot and sticky isn't comfortable.
Most of the time, I am quite comfortable, I promise, Cataholic!

When it gets TOO hot and sticky outside, I drink a lot of water, but as I said, we are lucky in that the apartment doesn't heat up, as it get very little sun. If it were not for modern conveniences like good strong corrective lenses, and modern medicine, I'd likely be dead anyway, having wandered off a cliff I didn't see sometime in childhood! I also know that living where I do, we do not often get the extremes of heat folks in more interior, or more Southern areas do, and it does cool down at night.

The good or bad part of New England weather is that nothing lasts for too long, anyway!